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Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Cherry Conundrum

I think I misplaced my virginity.
I left it back at the diner sitting on the table, next to the tip money.
I didn’t mean to lose it.
But the thing about losing things is if we meant to lose it,
We would not have lost it.

If you intentionally lose something,
You get rid of it
You put it out with the trash or
Give it to the Salvation Army or
Maybe put it in a box and mail it to your sister
Who can’t afford the brand-new stuff.

So I lost my virginity.
I meant to get rid of it.
What good was it to me?
It was supposed to make me more valuable
But that was shit.

I didn’t want to be valuable to some man because
He would be the first man to stick his dick in me.
Where is the value in that?
Am I an item at the grocery store?
A carton of cherries that has been half eaten and
Cannot be returned?

My most precious gift was my naiveté and lack of experience?
My untainted and untouched youth?
So “the man” could feel superior?
Trust me, I’m getting rid of that shit quick.
I don’t need a man to feel any more superior than men already do.

Then I got rid of it.
And “the man” still felt superior
He could do to me what he wanted
Because it had already been done.
I had lost my value.
My greatest gift for my future husband had already been given.

I did not lose my virginity,
It was taken from me and
Part of me wanted that …
Most of me wanted it
To look different
To be different

Soft and slow
And no
Because then my virginity would have been
Given, Not

And maybe that’s why women
“Lose their virginity”
So we don’t feel empowered to hold onto it.
So we don’t feel empowered to give it away.
So we don’t feel empowered to decide
Who and
When and

So we lose our virginity.
We shrug,
What difference does it make anyway?

We were never valuable if that was our most valuable gift.


  1. I don't want my daughter to feel like her virginity is her most precious gift. I want her to know that her most precious gift is her heart, mind and soul!
    (Daughter due in 2 weeks��)

    This was thought provoking SG, thanks

    1. Thanks you, Rachel! Yay for your beautiful daughter about to enter the world!!!! I pray that you have an empowering delivery and you recover quickly!

  2. Purity culture and it's emphasis on women's value being almost entirely bound up in a man's ability to 'take' her virginity is gross. I agree, and I appreciate your thoughts on women giving up their empowerment to choose. Powerful stuff. Here's to raising up men and women who can find value in each other beyond this paradigm. Clarissa

    1. Amen! 'Raising up men and women!' all peoples to do better! this is so important!!!!

  3. SG this freaking awesome!!! I love it! One of my new favorites! 😍

  4. Thanks, Akarra! And thank you for the inspiration :)
