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Thursday, January 26, 2017

#WhyIMarch /What do we tell our kids?!

My family and I took part in the Women's March last Saturday. It was how I got through the inauguration on Friday. Not only did I not implode on Inauguration Day, I had my children watch it with me (we DVRd it, the 9 yr old was in school). I was able to watch without breaking into cold sweats because:

 1. This is still my country, dammit and this day of peaceful transition of power is the keystone that makes us great. 'I thought it was the right to vote,' you might say. & you'd be right. But this is why we vote. Win or loose, our country will not sink into a political coup created by a vacuum of power (intro: warring factions). We are soooo fucking blessed no matter who our president is. My city will still be standing at the end of the day. We can buy food and gasoline for our cars, cause despite the media's best efforts to insight a panic, our economy is working just fine. I'm not speaking to our economic future, but today right now, let's breathe.
Here's something to help you breathe, good ol' George W doing his thing Vs. Poncho

2. The second reason I got through the inauguration without inciting a riot in my living room was because I knew, tomorrow I march. I would say what I needed to say through action. A friend of mine commented on my first post, wondering 'What do we tell our children about Trump?' I have 3 kids, a 9-year old girl, who picks up on way more than she should, a 2 year-old girl who can identify both Trump and Obama by their voices as well as faces, and a 4-monith old boy, who is a strong giggling feminist. All three of our children are why we marched.

Our 9 year old cried when she found out Trump was elected, she's heard a few sound bites and watched some of the debates. She didn't want to watch the inauguration (neither did I), but in this house we respect the process. We don't have to like Trump or support him, but he is our President. According to Band of Brothers (episode 10) we salute the rank not the person. I am not a soldier so while I've got one hand in my pocket the other is holding a picket sign that says "Women's rights are human rights."

So this is what we told our children;  'No matter how you are treated, or what is said, or the example set by the number 1 citizen representing the USA to the world, you will be kind. You will give people the benefit of the doubt and our family will love others to the best of our ability. Why? Because God. God loves us so deeply that Trump can't stop human kindness.' So tell the truth about Trump. He is an ignorant and foolish man. But we will be kind and we will not check our brains at the door and we will be involved. We will be the dissenters who are the cornerstone of our Republic.


  1. I hate Trump, I'm not going to lie, I was ready for the first female president. But if one good thing comes out of his election, this is it, it has brought people together. We as women, from all different ethnicities, religions, social statuses and walks of life have come together to say we will not be silent anymore. We will not roll over or be put down, we deserve the same respect any man does and the conversation is out there now. Now I have someone to point out to my sons and say specifically, you don't want to be him. You are a better person, and for better or worse, the next 4 years are going to be what we make of them.

    1. ❤️ Exactly! Amy, I really appreciate this.

  2. I didn't watch it. I just couldn't do it. For one, I had the excuse that I had to work and two, I just couldn't bring myself to witness reality. I, too, know that sticking my head in the sand isn't doing any good, but I also just felt like I was wrestling with my emotions and what I needed to do as a citizen. One one hand I completely agree that we need to support the transfer of power. However, I the other hand, that "power" is a narcissist. I still have moments where I think to myself, "This cannot really be happening right now." But it is! I'm scared. I'm worried. I know it's not the end of the world by having Trump as president, but it sure feels like a shit storm. My children are 7 and 4 and I've talked with them some about the election, but we're a divided family. My husband is not well versed on politics and votes republican every time because that's what his family has always done. It's infuriating at times, but I try to be respected toward his right to vote how he wants. Anyway, on the inside, I feel like a hot mess when it comes to everything that has happened and is happening. I don't know which side is up from which side is down. I'm glad that I at least have this place to help me sort it all out...

    1. Damn, Barb. That's hard! I would be going crazy slowly if I didn't have my husband to vent to and commiserate with and help provide perspective. This blog is here for you! Is your husband open to conversation about political views different from his? Does he know how deeply you're feeling this?

      I too live in a house divided, but we talk. A lot! And learn a ton from each other. Even if he doesn't care about politics he cares about you and this is important to you so start talking. If he's disturbed then drill down and figure out what's really going on? In the meantime keep talking here.

  3. While I did not support some of the ideas behind the March, I completely agree with this blog. No matter who is president, we need to all treat each other with kindness and respect and that is exactly what we need to teach our children.

  4. Thanks, Cara! What have you told your kids about Trump?

  5. 1. I did not watch.
    2. Yes! Knowing the march was next was so helpful on Friday. I went with my sister and left the kiddos and husband at home – and I was glad. We had to do a lot of traveling and it was way crowded. And it was more fun. :)
    3. Loved your last line: “We will be kind and we will not check our brains at the door and we will be involved.” The mean signs were something I did not like about the march. I know venting feels good, but it was not constructive.
